Privacy policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform Users of the Site regarding the processing of their personal data.


Any information relating to an identified natural person or identifiable (hereinafter referred to as “data subject”); is deemed to be an “identifiable natural person” means a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to a identifier, such as a name, an identification number, data of location, an online identifier, or one or more elements specific to their physical, physiological, genetic identity, psychological, economic, cultural or social.


Any operation or set of operations performed or not using of automated processes and applied to data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, the organization, structuring, conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, broadcast or any other form of posting available, rapprochement or interconnection, limitation, erasure or destruction.


Law known as “Informatique et Libertés” n°78-17 of January 6, 1978.

Processing manager:

The natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing.


General Data Protection Regulation of April 27, 2016.


The natural or legal person, public authority, service or any other body which receives communication of personal data, whether or not it is a third party.


When using the Site, you must take knowledge of this privacy policy and accept it in ticking the box provided for this purpose.
In the event that the policy of confidentiality would be modified, you must read it and check the box provided for this purpose during any new connection after the entry into force of the confidentiality policy modified. However, the collection and processing of personal data are processed in accordance with the privacy policy in force at the time of said collection.
Processing is carried out by CV UNLIMITED LTD as data controller.


Processing carried out by CV UNLIMITED LTD as responsible for processing concerning the User's personal data:

Creation and management of the personal online account Email address and password Execution of the contract/service 2 (two) years from the end of the subscription
Login to personal account Email address and password, Execution of the contract/service 2 (two) years from the end of the subscription
Carrying out an IQ test by the User First name, last name, email address Execution of the contract/service 2 (two) years from the end of the subscription
Management of subscription payment - invoicing Maintaining the accounting Bank details Identity, postal address Execution of the contract/service 13 (thirteen) months from the debit date or 15 (fifteen) months if payment is made with a debit payment card deferred.
Invoicing Bookkeeping Identity, postal address, means of payment used Legal obligation Retention during the current financial year and for ten (10) years.
Prevention and fight against computer fraud Usage and connection logs relating to user actions the User on the Site, technical logs recording the activity of software and hardware components used by the User, IP address Legitimate interest For logs: 6 (six) months from the last connection For the IP address: 1 year from its registration
Managing requests to exercise data rights personal First name, last name, gender, email address, telephone number, content of the request, ID if necessary Legal obligation 5 (five) years from the request. Identity document: time necessary to verify the identity of the person
Use of cookies for statistical analysis purposes and improvement of the Site IP Address Consent 5 (five) years from the last connection.


Personal data is hosted by the company OVH SAS in France.
However, the personal data collected are likely to be transferred to the United Kingdom, the person responsible for treatment being a company incorporated under British law. The Commission European Union adopted an adequacy decision with regard to the United Kingdom under the GDPR by noting a level of data protection personal equivalent to that of the European Union.
Some personal data collected are also likely to be transferred to the United States, since the cookies used by CV UNILIMITED LTD rely on tools offered by Google. The United States has is also the subject of an adequacy decision, adopted by the European Commission on July 10, 2023.


The person responsible for processing personal data is the CV company. UNLIMITED LTD whose head office is located: Suite 5, 39-41 Chase Side, Southgate, London, United Kingdom, N14 5BP.
The recipients are:

In any case, the User is informed that no data personal information concerning him is not the subject of communication to companies commercial, advertising agencies or in general any company involved in the advertising field. No personal data is shared or communicated without the User's consent outside of the recipients listed above.


Data security and confidentiality

In accordance with its security obligation, undertakes to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data by compliance with the requirements of the LIL and the GDPR.


Article 7.1. Right of access (article 15 of the GDPR)

You have the right to obtain confirmation that personal data concerning you are or are not processed. In the event that the data is processed, you have a right of access to this data and to following information:

  1. The purposes of the processing;
  2. The categories of personal data concerned;
  3. The recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data have been communicated or will be communicated;
  4. If possible, the planned retention period of the data or, when this is not possible, the criteria used to determine this duration;
  5. The existence of the right to request the rectification or erasure of data, or limitation of processing or the right to object to the treatment ;
  6. The right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL as as a supervisory authority;
  7. When personal data is not collected from you directly, any information available at the source;
  8. The existence of automated decision-making, including profiling and, at least in such cases, useful information regarding the underlying logic, as well as the importance and intended consequences of this treatment for you.

A copy of the data subject to processing will be provided to you.

Payment of reasonable fees based on administrative costs for any additional copies you request may be required.

If you request a copy of the data digitally, this will be provided to you in commonly used digital form unless you asked for it to be otherwise.

Finally, the right to obtain a copy of personal data should not infringe the rights and freedoms of others.

Article 7.2. Right of rectification (article 16 of the GDPR)

You have the right to request the rectification of your data which are inaccurate, as soon as possible. You also have the ability to obtain incomplete personal data from you concerning are completed including by providing a declaration additional.

Article 7.3. Right to erasure (article 17 of the GDPR)

You have the right to erasure of your personal data within as soon as possible when one of the following reasons applies:

  1. Personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes of purposes for which they were collected or processed another way ;
  2. You withdraw your consent on which the processing is based and it there is no other legal basis for the processing concerned. THE withdrawal of consent applies for the future;
  3. You exercise your right to object and there is no reason legitimate imperative for processing;
  4. Personal data has been subject to unlawful processing;
  5. Personal data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation.

You are informed that the right to erasure may not apply if the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights.

Article 7.4. Right to restriction of processing (article 18 of the GDPR)

You have the right to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data when one of the following applies:

  1. Verification of your data after a dispute from you on the accuracy of your personal data;
  2. The processing is unlawful and you object to the erasure of your personal data and demand the limitation of their use;
  3. CV UNLIMITED LTD no longer needs your personal data concerning for processing but the data is necessary for you for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights ;
  4. You have objected to the processing and CV UNLIMITED LTD verifies the point to know whether the legitimate reasons pursued by CV UNLIMITED LTD prevail over your legitimate reasons.

Article 7.5. Right to data portability (article 20 of the GDPR)

You have the option of receiving your personal data in a format structured, commonly used and machine readable when:

  1. Processing is based on consent or a contract;
  2. And the processing is carried out using automated processes.

The personal data concerned are those provided/entered by the user.

As part of the exercise of this right, you have the right to obtain that your personal data is transmitted directly to another data controller when technically possible.

The right to portability must not infringe the rights and freedoms of third parties.

Article 7.6. Right to object (article 21 of the GDPR)

In application of the right of opposition, you have the right to oppose at any time, for reasons relating to your situation particular, to the processing of personal data based on the legitimate interests of CV UNLIMITED LTD.

Personal data will no longer be processed unless it is demonstrated that legitimate and compelling grounds for the processing exist and prevail over your interests and your rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights.

Article 7.7. Fate of post-mortem personal data

In application of the law, you have the right to define your guidelines for retention, erasure and communication of your personal data in the event of death.

You can communicate your instructions to us or register them with from a certified digital trusted third party. You can therefore designate the person of your choice who will be responsible for carrying out your instructions. HAS Otherwise, it will be your heirs.

CV UNLIMITED LTD will naturally respect the directives and undertakes to destroy personal data after their communication to the person designated, where applicable, except in the event that CV UNLIMITED LTD should still keep this personal data due to a legal obligation or for evidentiary purposes.


Article 8.1. Modalities for exercising rights

For all requests concerning personal data processed by CV UNLIMITED LTD, you can send your requests to the following addresses:

CV UNLIMITED LTD may ask you for a copy of your identity document in case of doubt about your identity.

Article 8.2. Response time

CV UNLIMITED LTD has one (1) month to respond to your request. from receipt of your request. This period may be extended by two months taking into account the complexity and number of requests. resume UNLIMITED LTD will inform the person concerned within the month of request.

In the event of exercising your right of deletion or your right to erasure, you are informed that CV UNLIMITED LTD may be required to keep personal data concerning you under the form of archiving before deletion of the data.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL, supervisory authority ( if you reside in France, or before the supervisory authority of your country of residence if you live abroad.


Some cookies require your consent so that they can be installed and others only require information.

Third-party cookies may be installed on the Site

Article 9.1. Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are installed on the Site during your navigation, These are Google analytics® and Google Tag Manager® cookies.

These cookies aim to measure the audience in order to generate attendance statistics and to improve the site, in particular via the creation and placement of tracking tags. The cookie headband allows it is up to the User to accept, refuse or configure these cookies.

Article 9.2. Managing cookies

Cookie management on the site

During the first visit to the Site, a banner cookie appears allowing you:

Concerning cookies for which consent is required, the User is informed that he can modify his choices when he wish.

Management of cookies offered by your browser software

You have the ability to configure your navigation software in order to:

If you have accepted in your navigation software of each terminal the recording of Cookies on each terminal, the Cookies integrated into the pages and content you have viewed may be stored temporarily – without being able to exceed thirteen (13) months – in a space dedicated to your terminal. They will be readable only by their issuer.

If you withdraw your consent, please note that a cookie will be installed to to deactivate the storage of other cookies on your terminal.

In order to configure your navigation software, you must Refer to your browser's help menu.

Configuring your smartphone

To find out the cookie management policy on your smartphone, you can consult the following pages:



You are informed that depending on the settings you make, you risk no longer being able to use the functionalities of the Site.

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